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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8844 6000

There are 2 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8844 6000. Add your complaint

Wednesday, August 14 2013 01:22 AM
i had a missed call from this number and then the number rang out the first time i tried to call it back.

second and further called it is like they are disconnecting the call before answering.
Friday, May 31 2013 02:35 AM
Someone called my mum and spoke to her about our solar panel yesterday and his name is matthew.. My mums english is not well. So she told Matthew that she will get me to call back tomorrow at 3 pm. Which I did. Called the number it rang for abit then just hung up. I'm very concern as I don't know who is calling us. Please resolve this issue and email me back thanks
regards Kellie

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