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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8678 2603

There are 4 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8678 2603. Add your complaint

Ann McDonogh
Tuesday, August 26 2014 11:28 AM
I tend to get calls from this number a few times a day, when I do answer they hang up, once I went to answer and they said something about a pet. But I couldnt talk at the time.
Tuesday, June 03 2014 09:49 PM
They claim to be a charity and asked if i own a pet. When asked how they got my number they said list of brokers. I wanted the list. Because they shouldn't be calling me.
Fred Freddo
Friday, October 04 2013 09:52 PM
I get incoming calls from this number 7-10 times per week over the last 5 weeks. When I answer, the other end hangs up immediately. VERY annoying. I do NOT know who this is, or who the number belongs to.
D. Dizon
Saturday, December 29 2012 10:08 PM
This number calls me 5 to 6 times a day. Most of the time they hang up when I pick up.

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