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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8518 3014

There are 14 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8518 3014. Add your complaint

Ujval Tanna
Friday, July 18 2014 04:12 AM
Number just calls no talking just rings I answer and then it hangs up. Please stop this number from calling as they call at the most awkward times.
Thursday, July 17 2014 12:48 AM
They ring all the time!! they even have 07) 55.... numbers that call (gold coast)funeral insurance but trying to set in house appointments, would prob be then wanting to put together a full financial plan and sell you some crap you dont want or need.. my guess anyway.
Thursday, July 10 2014 07:12 PM
For the last 6 months I have been getting calls from this number regarding funeral insurance. Again like other complaints my requests for no more calls is ignored.
Monday, March 17 2014 08:12 PM
They keep ringing me and they go on and on about funeral insurance - I tell them I'm not interested and that I want them to stop ringing me and then they hang up!!! how rude are these people!
Wednesday, March 12 2014 03:49 AM
They phone regularly on my 15 year old son's mobile phone asking personal questions
Monday, January 06 2014 08:56 PM
It is very abusive number who try numous times ring me but everytime you pick up phone they say nothing and hanging up very quickly. I have put this number in block list of my phone however, it still come to me without any problem!!!!
Friday, November 29 2013 12:54 AM
Rings 5 times a day and hjangs up after I have answered.
Friday, November 15 2013 07:49 PM
Fake government call center
Friday, November 08 2013 11:01 PM
full on .....abuse when you do not give them medicare card detals over
Donald Godbee
Tuesday, November 05 2013 12:36 AM
This number seems to be the back-up number for the other nuisance caller, 0386448291. When you get too smart for one number, they try the other number. Yes, been receiving these calls for months. They don't seem to like being threatened with reporting to ACCC but that doesn't stop them. They also become abusive when told this is a scam. Don't know how they show up as '03' numbers because none of the callers are australian, hard to understand what they are saying. Very evasive about who they actually represent.
V le
Wednesday, October 30 2013 01:12 AM
This phone have been calling house for the last 2months up to five times thru out the day. my wife is currently unwell and pregnant . i would like this number to stop calling our house number this is causing stressed and effecting her health. Please help
Mario C.
Monday, October 21 2013 01:15 AM
Calls that do not answer are received from that number
Thom Blake
Tuesday, October 15 2013 02:47 AM
Regular unsolicited calls from this number
Peter drury
Monday, October 14 2013 04:58 AM
Regular calls that do not answer are received from that number

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