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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8256 9657

There are 14 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8256 9657. Add your complaint

Monday, March 03 2014 10:52 PM
Same deal. I answer, they hang up. I hate these kind of calls - can't even tell them to go away.
Linda Sexton
Monday, March 03 2014 09:24 PM
Keeps calling and never leaves a message
Monday, March 03 2014 02:15 AM
It is a scam, I rang vodaphone and they were not interested! Told me to go to the police.....they were not interested that someone was pretending to be vodaphone....
Friday, February 28 2014 09:22 AM
annoying phone call!
hang up when i pick up the phone
Thursday, February 27 2014 11:42 PM
They too called me but didn't hang out (maybe they have more money and can actually afford the calls), they pretty much told me the same story as Lee but then they added that I was eligible for winning an iPad or something, then asked me if I had an apple phone or another smartphone and I said smartphone but asked them to email me the info because I was at work (and sounded dodgy anyway) she said no worries I will, and I said don't you want my email, and she said no, I'll look it up in the system, but super dodgy, I wonder what they're up to. called me 28-Feb-2014 at 3:30
Wednesday, February 26 2014 09:42 PM
I called back and got a guy, that was quite rude but managed to get out of him that he works for a company called Vespa Network and that they phone on behalf of Vodafone. He mentioned something about sales and i ended the call. I then called Vodafone direct, they have NOT heard of this company and will investigate further
Wednesday, February 26 2014 03:04 AM
This number keeps calling then hangs up after you answer
Wednesday, February 26 2014 01:25 AM
They called. I answered. They hung up.
Tuesday, February 25 2014 11:00 PM
They called. I answered. They hung up.
Tuesday, February 25 2014 08:43 PM
receive a call from it at 12 PM
I call back, connect me to their mailbox
Tuesday, February 25 2014 08:09 PM
called at 12:00 today and hung up
Tuesday, February 25 2014 01:59 AM
Same as the above called today @ 6pm and hanged up when I answered.
Chaman Badoo
Monday, February 24 2014 01:37 AM
They Keep Calling, when you pick up they say nothing and hang up.
Saturday, February 15 2014 10:27 AM
The usual crap. If you answer, they say nothing and hang up.
I will try calling them back from a phone box. Should be interesting.

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