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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8256 9656

There are 11 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8256 9656. Add your complaint

Monday, February 24 2014 02:31 AM
Same happened to me, had a missed call from this number, tried ringing back but couldn't be connected. Some sort of a scam.
Wednesday, February 12 2014 11:00 PM
Same as below happened with me as well
Wednesday, February 12 2014 10:54 PM
Several missed calls from this number. No response when I answer
Wednesday, February 12 2014 10:34 PM
I just received call from this number saying tht they are calling from Vadaphone and I've been selected as eligible customer to get iPad mini in discount rate , they're succeed to take my personal information...
Wednesday, February 12 2014 10:25 PM
Same as the other complaints, keep getting random calls and when called back it just hangs up
Wednesday, February 12 2014 09:56 PM
Same here - several calls. Nothing when I pick up and no messages left. Haven't tried calling back after seeing these complaints.
Wednesday, February 12 2014 09:50 PM
Two hang up calls, and one missed call from the same number.
Wednesday, February 12 2014 09:03 PM
Same as above, I've had several calls from this number over the past few days and as soon as I answer the call cuts. I've tried to call back but the call always fails.
Tuesday, February 11 2014 10:06 PM
Multiple missed calls (?tas number). No messages left. When I answer they hang up. When I call back it doesn't ring and then fails.
Tuesday, February 11 2014 09:34 PM
Calls but doesn't leave a message and can't seem to call it back
Tuesday, February 11 2014 03:17 AM
I have had several calls from this number and some I have missed, but each time I answer they hang up. When attempting to call back it doesn't even ring and just cuts out.

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