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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8256 6715

There are 12 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8256 6715. Add your complaint

Tony the Terrible
Friday, October 03 2014 03:50 AM
This number belongs to Veda. They rang me to ask for my credit card number in order to process my credit report.
Veda Credit Score summarises the information on your credit report into one number called a VedaScore.
Thursday, September 04 2014 08:33 PM
Someone rang me from this number and hang up when I picked..

Didn't know our credit history has been managed by such an unprofessional company..
Thursday, September 04 2014 01:31 AM
Call is from VEDA Advantage, as per R Wilson's comments. VEDA should be made aware how unprofessional there conduct and service is! Credit reporting requests should not generate unsolicited calls. Perhaps the federal laws should be reviewed to ensure this loop hole is removed
Tuesday, September 02 2014 04:28 AM
He's rang me twice today and I haves missed them but when I rang it on my home phone it said something about only being abler to call them at Monday and Friday
R Wilson
Tuesday, September 02 2014 03:38 AM
Caller is Veda Credit Reporting, I applied for a free credit score report (as they are required to supply to all applying for free within 10 days), they were trying to sell their premium instant service for $50, I just said I will wait and have it for free, then hung up as she was trying every possible way to make a sale. Don't fall for it, they have to supply a free copy by Federal Law.
Thursday, August 28 2014 10:27 PM
Same with me calls and hangs up then call back and get wait music really annoying
Thursday, August 28 2014 03:43 AM
keeps calling and nothing on the other end!
Wednesday, August 27 2014 02:13 AM
Same deal as other complains, except I've stopped answering it!
Tuesday, August 26 2014 11:32 PM
Asked for personal information
Tuesday, August 26 2014 02:16 AM
Calls and then is silent when you answer, and then hangs up. Annoying!
Sunday, August 24 2014 10:09 PM
this phone number calls and then hangs up when you pick up
Sunday, August 24 2014 08:31 PM
always calls and hangs up. no idea who. call back and get hold music. wish they would fk off!

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