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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 4116 2000

There are 4 reported complaints for phone number: 03 4116 2000. Add your complaint

Wednesday, May 21 2014 10:27 PM
This number just called 10 times in a row
And no one would talk
Until the last call I waited fr about 2 minutes to see if anyone would speak
And it was apparently market research they were trying to ask about problems with Microsoft. SCAM!!
I asked them not to call our number again I am trying to get the baby to sleep and they keep disturbing her.
Do not answer these calls!
It's a scam
Sydney Call
Friday, May 16 2014 05:14 AM
Never stops spamming calls during the day and when the call is picked up, no one says anything

Friday, May 16 2014 12:59 AM
Probably the 7th time today that this number has rung! I haven't answered, but they're going to be sorry when they call the next time!
Does anyone know who this is?
Monday, April 07 2014 10:38 PM
Never stops spamming calls during the day and when the call is picked up, no one says anything

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